Scusate l'assenza di questi giorni,
ma ho avuto millecinquecento impegni che non sto neanche qui a raccontarvi per evitare di annoiarvi...
Oggi vi segnalo il marchio Patrick Createur, gestito dal designer emergente Lorenzo, creatore del bellissimo cerchietto in raso color cappuccino che mi vedete indossare nelle foto...credo proprio che lo rivedrete spesso nei miei outift perchè lo adoro!!!
Vi consiglio quindi di aggiungerlo tra gli amici su Facebook per curiosare un pò tra i suoi cerchietti degni di Blair Waldorf...
Data la location un pò boschiva (il giardino di casa mia) ho deciso di ispirarmi alle fate delle fiabe per un look bon ton.
Sorry for the absence of these days,
but I had fifteenhundred appointments that I don't tell you to avoid getting you bored...
Today I told you about the brand Createur Patrick, managed by the emerging designer Lorenzo, creator of the beautiful satin cappuccino headband that you can see in the photos...I'm sure you will often see it again in my outifts because I love it!
Therefore, I strongly recommend adding him as a friend on Facebook to look around a bit between its headbands worthy of Blair Waldorf ...
Given the green location (the garden of my house) I decided to inspire me to a fairy tale for this bon ton look.
but I had fifteenhundred appointments that I don't tell you to avoid getting you bored...
Today I told you about the brand Createur Patrick, managed by the emerging designer Lorenzo, creator of the beautiful satin cappuccino headband that you can see in the photos...I'm sure you will often see it again in my outifts because I love it!
Therefore, I strongly recommend adding him as a friend on Facebook to look around a bit between its headbands worthy of Blair Waldorf ...
Given the green location (the garden of my house) I decided to inspire me to a fairy tale for this bon ton look.